NEEV is a digital solution, developed by mHS Global Impact, that allows people with no technical background to create housing projects, construction cost estimates, bill of quantities and construction manuals with drawings and structural details through a simple and highly customizable process.
Detailed project estimates and technical drawings used to require specialized professionals and days of work. Through the mobile interface of NEEV anyone can create and share the same within minutes.
Both a web and mobile app, NEEV is specifically designed to support all the stakeholders working in the incremental housing context with the aim to tackle the missing piece of this sector: construction quality. By providing construction technical assistance to everyone, NEEV can improve building resilience and sustainability at scale.
NEEV comes with different interfaces tailored for construction workers, architects and engineers as well as institutions and agencies and allows to guide financial planning, edification and monitoring of safety and quality in buildings.
NEEV is developed to be adopted in different geographies and countries. It is multilanguage; it supports different housing typologies, constructive techniques and materials to adapt to local practices; it’s customizable in materials and labor rates.